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We are committed as a church body to the dicipleship of our children, no matter their age. We have a group for ages 4-12 called Kalvary Kidz that meet on Sunday mornings at 11am. Our teens, ages 13-21, have a youth meeting every other Wednesday night at 7pm.  Our children are not just the church of tomorrow they are the church of today!  We allow our kids to participate in any way that God leads in any of the services we hold.  If they want to sing then we say SING!  If they have a heart to testify they are given the time and the freedon to do so.  We want our children to be trained by the Word of God and we make every effort to make sure they are trained and ready for the battles that face them daily!  Our prayer for them is found in Proverbs 22:6 which reads:


"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Sunday School


Sunday school is perhaps the most neglected part of the church body.  This long time tradition holds to the use of the teaching gift that is given to certain children of God as a tool to edify the body of Christ.  It is also to equip us with a working knowlege of scripture.  We meet at 10 am on Sunday mornings in small groups that are divided by age.  The adult classes are also divided by gender.   This allows each class to break down God's Word into age appropiate lessons that teach and admonish and ultimately help us to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Word of God.   Our prayer for Sunday School is found in the words of 1 Timothy 2:15 which reads:


"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."


We have a variety of services weekly, as well as special events throughout the year.  We take fellowship seriously and strive to make use of God's time wisely.  We offer many ways for you to experience the Love of God through fellowhip and worship.  Come join us....become a part of our family!
Worship Services


We hold full worship services on Sunday morning at 11am, Sunday nights at 6pm, and Wednesday nights at 7pm.  These services combined give us the corporate worship experience that God's children long to have.  We are committed to keeping all of the service times free of restraits.  If God chooses to use this time in a way that we have not planned, so be it.  It is His time to do as He chooses in HIs House.  We are open to the Spirit's leading and willing to bow at Jesus' feet at any time of any day!  Our prayer for these services is best expressed is Psalm 100:4 which says:


"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."  

Near Calvary Freewill Baptist Church

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